Before & After
Edge Piece by Sarah crowEST
Edge Piece traverses the two Chinatown sites of Hughs Alley (Edge Closer) and Corrs Lane (Close to the Edge). The initial inspiration came from the architecture as seen from the backs, edges or laneways of the city.
The lines and boxes of the diagram and 3D letters in Hughs Alley offer a poetic riff on the forms and sounds to be found right there. These peripheral spaces bear traces of the past and the particularities of the walls, with their pre-existing features, became a guide or score for further marks.
The glimpse of a high, vertical wall provided a visual slice of a much larger structure presenting a crisp edge as an elongated painting surface. The text on the margin of the narrow wall in Corrs Lane references The Message of Grandmaster Flash. The adjacent, blue, face of ‘Leo’, directly responds to the 3D relief that forms the paneled wall. The face was already present and the painting brings those shapes into focus.
Big Yawn
- Pressure Acts
Pressure Acts will be released digitally and on limited edition vinyl via Heavy Machinery Records on October 25.

Visit Corrs Lane 2
All Flash Forward events and sites welcome dog guides and service animals.